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Customer Success Stories

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Yoga for Diabetes

with certified trainers

Q&A session

with senior doctors

Our Story So Far


Patients Treated**


Doctors recommend**


Achieved Diabetes Reversal*


HbA1c < 6.5%*


HbA1c Reduction*


Weight Loss*

*Reference: SHAMANNA P et al. Diabetes 2022;71(Supplement_1):4-LB

Significant, 180 days from baseline in patients on Twin precision therapy

Individual results may vary

*Based on Randomized Control Trials conducted by Twin Health

Key takeaways

Why control diabetes, when you can reverse it with India's first AI-based reversal program?

Limitations of existing diabetes treatment protocol
Diabetes medications and their side-effects
Difference between managing and reversing diabetes
Breakthrough technology in diabetes reversal treatment
Precision Treatment to heal the damaged metabolism
Precision nutrition vs Paleo/Keto diet for diabetes

Kickstart your reversal journey here